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September 2018
When Religious Become Bishops
Father Stephan Haering OSB, Professor of Canon Law and the History of Canon Law at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich, explains what happens when a professed religious is chosen by the Holy Father to be a bishop. The article is available in German at <katholisch.de>.
Child Protection Conference
Ealing Abbey announces the forthcoming conference, "Growing into Connectedness: Healing the History of Child Sexual Abuse," at St. Benedict's School, Ealing, UK, Sunday, 21 October 2018. The conference provides a space to connect and to share learning about how systems like our families, churches, and schools might prevent, stop, or take responsibility for child abuse. The keynote speaker, Prof. Fr. Hans Zollner SJ, is one of the leading experts on matters of safeguarding. Choose "Growing into Connectedness" for more information and online registration.
August 2018
Renovation of the OSB Website
Early in September 2018, the OSB website will launch in a new version. A committee established by Abbot Primate Gregory Polan OSB provided advice and guidance. The website is in the final stages of preparation in Rome overseen by Bro. Simon Stubbs OSB. The present web address, <archive.osb.org/>, will automatically re-direct to the new web server in Italy.
+ Fr. Robert Hale OSB Cam.
Fr. Robert Hale OSB Cam. died Thursday evening (30 August 2018) around 9 PM. In June he had fallen and suffered a severe head injury. Fr. Robert only recovered briefly before falling into unconsciousness. He had earned a doctorate in Spiritual Theology at Fordham University. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Information about funeral arrangements for the former prior at New Camaldoli Hermitage are pending.
July 2018
Big Sur Anniversary
New Camaldoli Hermitage celebrated the 60th anniversary of its founding, Sunday, 29 July 2018, 60 years to the day that the the Diocese of Monterey-Fresno recognized the monastery as a religious institution. Prior Cyprian Consiglio OSB Cam gave the homily for the occasion. The text is now online.
New Book from Joan Chittister OSB
We Are All One: Reflections on Unity, Community and Commitment to Each Other by Sr. Joan Chittister OSB, Erie, PA, Benedictine Sisters, is now available. This new Twenty-third Publications book touches on four elements of mindfulness: moral maturity, spiritual witness, personal greatness, and universal kinship. The book is filled with wisdom gained from spiritual leaders who have inspired Chittister's own thought.
Saints Benedict and Francis
Father Jeffrey F. Kirby writes about the spiritual contagion between Saint Benedict of Nursia and Saint Francis of Assisi. Although separated in time by six centuries, Fr. Kirby explains how the “Bond between Sts. Benedict and Francis shows holiness is contagious” in Crux (15 July 2018).
Solemnity of Saint Benedict
Benedictines and their friends remember Saint Benedict, Patriarch of Western Monasticism and Co-Patron of Europe, Wednesday, 11 July 2018.
Born 480 A.D., his Rule for Monasteries brought order and creativity to a world of decadence and corruption. The manuscript illustration at left depicts our Founder posed at a writing desk as a scribe.
The office hymn, Gemma caelestis recalls his vision of the death of his twin sister, Scholastica, and the sequence, Laeta quies, poetically recalls incidents of Benedict’s life in the light of scriptural precedents.
Many monasteries use the July date for the profession of vows. Congratulations to the many Benedictine men and women making first or perpetual commitments or celebrating jubilees of monastic profession.
Benedictine Experience
The Friends of Saint Benedict have opened registration for a new Benedictine Experience focusing on back-to-basics exploration of Saint Benedict as a guide for our present times. Father David Caffrey, who has years of grounding in leading Benedictine groups, will share his understanding of Benedict as the saint who speaks to the challenges of ordinary life. Benedict's direction on balance and the integrated life addresses where we live our lives -- in families, communities, parish churches, and the workplace.
The Benedictine Experience is a time to refresh your life perspective as you learn about and practice an ancient spiritual framework. Participants will live the cycle of daily prayer and work, while honoring time for silence, study, manual work, and reflection in community. Visit The Friends of Saint Benedict website for more information about the next Experience at Bishop's Ranch, Healdsburg, CA, 14-19 October 2018 (five nights).
What's New OSB
What's New auf Deutsch: Aktuelle Meldungen (Erbe und Auftrag, Monastische Welt).
April, May, and June 2018 and previous quarters (1995-; archive).
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