The Order of Saint BenedictGemma Caelestis (hymn)
Latin Poems
Gemma Caelestis | |
Gemma caelestis pretiosa Regis,
Tu solum spernens, cor in astra figens
Magnus in parvis eremita membris
Strage saxorum puerum sepultum,
Iure sub blandae specie columbae
Ipse post clarum referens triumphum,
Gloria Patri, Genitaeque Proli, |
Benedict, precious jewel of the King of Heaven, Spurning what was base, Great among a small company of hermits When a youth was buried
You saw your sister's soul, unknown to sin,
After this marvel you in turn
Glory to the Father, to the Only Begotten, |
Laeta Quies | |
Laeta quies [*dies] magni ducis, Caris datur piae menti, Hunc per callem orientis Amplum semen magnae prolis Corvum cernis ministrantem, Elisaeus dignoscatur, Illum Joseph candor morum, Ipse memor suae gentis, Amen. (T.P. Alleluia.)
Joyful rest [or *day] of our leader, that brings the gift of a new light, we commemorate you today. Grace is given the loving soul, may our ardent heart be united to the songs of our lips. By the radiant way going up to the east, let us admire our Father rising to heaven, equal to the patriarchs. His innumerable posterity, figure of the sun, made him like to Abraham. See the crow serving him and recognize hence Elias hiding in a little cave. Recognize Eliseus, when he bids return the axe from beneath the current. It is Joseph through his life without stain; May he be mindful of his people, and may he lead us till we behold with him the eternal joys of Christ. Amen. [P.T. Alleluia.]
*Laeta dies, if the feast is transferred to another date and on 11 July. |
"Saint Gregory the Great writing the Dialogues," manuscript illustration used for educational purposes only.
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