The Catholic Encyclopedia: an International Work of Reference on the Constitution, Doctrine, Discipline and History of the Catholic Church (New York: Appleton, 1907-1912).
Britannica Online
Completed Cath. Enc. articles of monastic relevance (T - Z * A - F * G - M * N - S):
Tassin, René-Prosper - French historian, belonging to the Benedictine Congregation of Saint-Maur (1697-1777)
Tavistock Abbey
Te lucis ante terminum
Tegernsee - Benedictine abbey of Bavaria
Templar, The Knights
Tenure, Ecclesiastical
Thecla, Saint (abbess)
Theology, Ascetical
Theology, Mystical
Third Orders
Thorney Abbey
Tintern Abbey
Tongerloo, Abbey of (Belgium)
Tosti, Luigi (OSB historian)
Toustain, Charles-François (Maurist)
Touttée, Antoine-Augustin (Maurist)
Trinità di Cava dei Tirrenti, Abbey of
Trithemius, John - Scholar and Benedictine abbot (1462-1516)
Ughelli, Ferdinando
Ullathorne, William Bernard
Ut Queant Laxis Resonare Fibris
Vaast, Abbey of Saint
Vadstena, Abbey of (Sweden)
Vallumbrosan Order
Vespers, Music of
Villers, Cistercian Abbey of
Vocation, Ecclesiastical and Religious
Walburga, Saint
Wearmouth Abbey
Weber, Beda
Weingarten Abbey
Welsh Monastic Foundations
Werburgh, Saint
Werden Abbey
Wessobrunn Abbey
Western Monasticism
Westminster Abbey
Whitby, Abbey of
Wigand, Saints
Wigbert, Saint
Wilfrid, Saint
William, Blessed (Abbot of Hirschau)
William (Abbot of Marmoutiers)
William (Abbot of Saint-Bénigne)
William Exmew, Blessed (Carthusian)
William of Jumièges
William of Malmesbury
William of Ramsey
William of Vercelli
William the Walloon
Willibald and Winnebald, Saints
Willibrord, Saint
Wilton Abbey
Wimmer, Boniface
Winzet, Ninian
Wolstan, Saint
Würzburg Abbeys
Zircz Abbey (Cistercian abbey in Hungary)
Zwettl Abbey (Cistercian abbey in Austria)
A - F
* G - M
* N - S
* T - Z