The Order of Saint Benedict

Monastic Elections and Appointments
2008 - 2007 - 2006

Appointments and Results of Elections -
by date of election, re-election, installation, or assumption of office, and monastic congregation

"Monastic News Omnibus" of the ABA's American Monastic Newsletter and What's New at the OCSO website also track elections.


14 November 2008

Ottilien Congregation

Prior Edgar Friedmann OSB
(re-elected for six years)
St. Benedict's Monastery
8002 Digos City

30 September 2008

Congregation of the Annunciation

Dom Patrick Hederman OSB
Glenstal Abbey
Murroe, Co. Limerick

25 September 2008

Benedictine Confederation

Abbot Primate Dr. Notker Wolf OSB
Badia Primaziale Sant'Anselmo
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
I-00153 Roma, Italia

31 July

Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

Prioress Ramona Varela OSB
Benedictine Monastery
800 N. Country Club Road
Tucson, AZ 85716-4583

28 July 2008

Federation of St. Gertrude

Federation President S. Joella Kidwell OSB
Monastery Immaculate Conception
802 East 10th St.
Ferdinand, IN 47532-9239

24 July 2008

Austrian Congregation

Abbot Dr. Heinrich Ferenczy OSB
Benediktinerstift St. Paul
A-9470 St. Paul

15 July 2008

Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration

Prioress Sean Douglas OSB
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
31970 State Highway P
Clyde, MO 64432-8100

29 June 2008

Federation of St. Scholastica

Prioress Benita De Matteis OSB
Benedictine Sisters of Pittsburgh
4530 Perrysville Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15229-2296

28 June 2008

Federation of St. Gertrude

Prioress Virginia Evard OSB
St. Benedict's Monastery
225 Masters Avenue, RR 1B
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3C 4A3

15 June 2008

American-Cassinese Congregation

Prior Administrator James Cronen OSB
Mount Saviour Monastery
231 Monastery Rd.
Pine City, NY 14871-9787

15 June 2008

Congregation of the Annunciation

Prior Administrator Damien Toilolo OSB
Appointed for a two-year term
St. Andrew's Abbey
31001 N. Valyermo Road
Valyermo, CA 93563

10 June 2008

Benedictine Sisters Of Perpetual Adoration

Prioress General Pat Nyquist OSB
Benedictine Sisters Of Perpetual Adoration
31970 State Highway P
Clyde, MO 64432-8100

10 June 2008

American-Cassinese Congregation

Abbot Christopher Schwartz OSB
Saint Andrew Abbey
10510 Buckeye Road
Cleveland, OH 44104-3725

9 June 2008

Swiss Congregation

Abbot Peter von Sury OSB
CH-4115 Mariastein

2 June 2008

Federation of St. Gertrude

Prioress Kristine Anne Harpenau OSB
Sisters of St. Benedict
802 East 10th Street
Ferdinand, Indiana 47532

23 May 2008

Subiaco Congregation

Abbot Paulinus Greenwood OSB
St. Augustine's Abbey
Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9PA
England, UK

7 May 2008

Austrian Congregation

Abbot Maximilian Neulinger OSB
Postfach 98
A-4650 Lambach

4 May 2008

Federation of St. Scholastica

Prioress Sharon McHugh OSB
St. Walburga Monastery
851 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, NJ 07208

29 April 2008

Subiaco Congregation - Prov. Flanders

Abbot Rik De Wit OSB
Abdij Affligem
Abdijstraat 6
B-1790 Affligem/Hekelgem
Belgie / Belgique

19 April 2008

Federation of Saint Benedict

Prioress Phyllis McMurray OSB
St. Mary Monastery
2200 88th Avenue West
Rock Island, IL 61201-7649

16 April 2008

Beuronese Congregation

Abbot President Albert Schmidt OSB
Erzabtei St. Martin zu Beuron
Abteistraße 2
D-88631 Beuron

12 March 2008

Subiaco Congregation

Abbot Friedhelm Tissen OSB
Benediktinerabtei Kornelimünster
Oberforstbacher Str. 71
D-52076 Aachen

9 March 2008

Federation of Saint Benedict

Prioress Nancy Miller OSB
Annunciation Monastery
7520 University Drive
Bismarck, ND 58504-9653

1 March 2008

Federation of Saint Benedict

Prioress Michaela Hedican OSB
Saint Bede Monastery
1190 Priory Road
P.O. Box 66
Eau Claire, WI 54702-0066

March 2008

Olivetan Congregation

Father Stephen H. Coffey, OSB Oliv
Appointed Superior
Pecos Benedictine Monastery
PO Box 1080
Pecos, NM 87552-1080

20 February 2008

Sylvesterine Congregation

Prior Bernard McGrath OSB Silv
St. Benedict's Monastery
121 Arcadia Rd
Arcadia NSW 2159


31 December 2007

Ottilien Congregation

Prior Administrator Abbot em. José Maria Mart�nez Barrera OSB
Abadía San José
Apartado 3662 - El Trigal
Valencia 2002-A

17 December 2007

Brasilian Congregation

Priore Conventuale D. Joao Batista dos Santos Andrade OSB
Monastero de Sao Bento de Garanhun

December 2007

American-Cassinese Congregation

Prior D. Paulo Panza OSB
(appointed by Archabbot Douglas OSB)
Monastero de Sao Bento

13 December 2007

Sylvesterine Congregation

Prior Leonard Ranasinghe OSB
St. Sylvester's Monastery
Ampitiya (Kandy)
Sri Lanka

21 November 2007

extra Instituta

Abbess Franziska Lukas OSB
Benediktinerinnenabtei St. Scholastika
Burgallee 3
D-49413 Dinklage

17 November 2007

Cassinese Congregation

Abbot Ordinary Pietro Vittorelli OSB
Abbazia di Montecassino
I-03043 Cassino FR

9 October 2007

Sylvesterine Congregation

Don Leonardo Bux OSB
Conventual Prior
Monastero Santo Volto
Giulianova (TE)

3 October 2007

Italian Province, Subiaco Congregation

Pro Prior Don Luigi Tiana OSB
[monk of Sorres]
Monastery of St. Benedict (Sacro Speco)
I-00028 Subiaco (RM)

15 September 2007

Sylvesterine Congregation

Abbot General Michael Kelly OSB Silv.
Curia Generalizia
Monastero Santo Stefano Protomartire
via santo Stefano, 26
I-00186 Roma

5 September 2007

Subiaco Congregation

Mère Abbesse Danielle Darosey OSB
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Venière
F-71700 BOYER

22 August 2007

English Benedictine Congregation

Rt. Rev. Dom Caedmon Holmes OSB
St. Gregory the Great Abbey
285 Cory's Lane
Portsmouth, RI  02871-1352

25 July 2007

English Benedictine Congregation

D. Abbess Andrea Savage OSB
Stanbrook Abbey

Callow End
Worcester WR2 4TD

Crief Farm
York YO61 4AY
England, UK

29 June 2007

Federation of Saint Benedict

Prioress Carmen Davila OSB
Monasterio Santa Escolastica
Apartado 8526
Humacao, Puerto Rico 00792

17 June 2007 (installation)

Federation of St. Gertrude

Prioress Donna Marie Chartraw OSB
Queen of Angels Monastery
840 South Main Street
Mount Angel, OR 97362-9527

13 June 2007

Brasilian Congregation

Fr. Bento de Lyra Albertin OSB (appointed first prior)
Mosteiro de S�o Bento
Rua Ant�nio Scodeller
965 S�o Francisco
BR-337550 Pouso Alegre - MG

1 June 2007

Swiss-American Congregation

Abbot Michael Liebl OSB
Mount Michael Abbey
22520 Mt. Michael Road
Elkhorn, NE 68022-3400

May 2007

Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing

Prioress Roseann Ocken OSB
St. Scholastic Peraminho Priory
P.O. Box 18 Peramiho
Tanzania, Africa

12 March 2007

Federation of Saint Scholastica

Prioress Christine Eriser OSB
(Installed 1 July 2007)
Saint Joseph Monastery
2200 South Lewis Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74114

2 March 2007

Austrian Congregation

Abbot Ambros Ebhart OSB
Stift Kremsmünster
A-4550 Kremsmünster

23 February 2007

Bavarian Congregation

Prior Administrator Beda Maria Sonnenberg OSB
Plankstetten Abbey
Klosterplatz 1
D- 92334 Berching

5 February 2007

Austrian Congregation

Abbot Otto Strohmaier OSB
Re-elected for six years
Benediktinerstift St. Lambrecht
Hauptstraße 1
A-8813 St. Lambrecht

22(?) January 2007

Subiaco Congregation - Italy

Abbot Norberto Villa OSB
Abbazia di Praglia
Via Abbazia di Praglia, 16
I-35033 Teolo (PD)

11 January 2007

Missionary Benedictines of Tutzing

Prioress Hildegard Jansing OSB
Bahnhofstr. 3
D-82327 Tutzing


5 December 2006

Beuronese Congregation

Prior-Administrator Laurentius Schlieker OSB
Benediktinerabtei Gerleve
Gerleve 1
D-48727 Billerbeck

21 November 2006

Subiaco Congregation

Abbess Mary Gertrud Barnes OSB
Jamberoo Abbey
Mountain Pass
Jamberoo NSW 2533

October 2006

Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing

Mother Angela Strobel OSB
Prioress General
Casa Generalizia "Santo Spirito"
Via dei Bevilacqua 60
I-00163 Roma

15 September 2006

Communio Internationalis Benedictinarum

Prioress Judith Heble OSB
Moderator of CIB
Sacred Heart Monastery
1910 Maple Ave.
Lisle, IL 60532-2164

14 September 2006

Subiaco Congregation

Abbot President Bruno Marin OSB
Abbazia di Praglia
Via Abbazia di Praglia, 16
I-35033 Teolo (PD)

26 August 2006

Federation of Saint Benedict

Prioress Danile Knight OSB
Mount Benedict Monastery
6000 South 1075 East
Ogden, UT 84405-4945

26 August 2006

Subiaco Congregation

Abbot Théodore K. Coco OSB
Monastère de l'Ascension, Dzogbégan
B.P. 15
Danyi - Apéyémé

21 August 2006

Brazilian Congregation

Abate Filipe da Silva OSB
Abadia de São Bento de Olinda
Caixa Postal 975
Recife, PE - 50001-970

9 August 2006

English Congregation

Abbot Aidan Bellenger OSB
Downside Abbey
Bath BA3 4RJ
United Kingdom

4 August 2006

Congregation of St. Ottilien

Abbot Anastasius Reiser OSB
(monk of Muensterschwarzach)
Peramiho Abbey
P.O. Peramiho

30 July 2006

Federation of Saint Scholastica

Prioress Bernadine Reyes OSB
St. Scholastica Monastery
416 W. Highland
Boerne, TX 78006

25 July 2006

English Congregation

Abbot Geoffrey Scott OSB
(re-elected to 2nd 8-yr term)
Douai Abbey
Upper Woolhampton
Berkshire RG7 5TQ
England, UK

24 July 2006

Austrian Congregation

Abbot Johannes Perkmann OSB
A-5152 Michaelbeuern 1

13 June 2006

Subiaco Congregation

Abbot Cuthbert Brogan OSB
St. Michael's Abbey
280 Farnborough Road
Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7NQ
England, UK

29 May 2006

Congregation of St. Ottilien

Abbot Michael Reepen OSB
D-87359 Muensterschwarzach

7 May 2006


Abbess Nettie Louise Gamble OCSO
Our Lady of Mississippi Abbey
8400 Abbey Hill
Dubuque, IA 52003

23 April 2006

Federation of Saint Scholastica

Prioress Mary Catherine Wenstrup OSB
St. Walburg Monastery
2500 Amsterdam Road
Covington, Kentucky 41017

29 March 2006

Congregation of St. Ottilien

Prior Edward Etengu OSB (appointed)
Benedictine Monastery
P.O. Box 669

8 March 2006


Abbot Giles Hayes OSB
Saint Mary's Abbey
230 Mendham Road
Morristown, NJ 07960-4899

5 March 2006

Federation of St. Benedict

Prioress Maureen O'Larey OSB
St. Placid Priory
500 College St., NE
Lacey, WA 98506-5338

22 February 2006

Perpetual Adoration

Sr. Mary Benita Luetkemeyer OSB
Re-appointed as Superior
Osage Monastery
Sand Springs, Oklahoma

16 February 2006


Abbot Cyprian Doghudje OCSO
First Abbot
Our Lady of Mt. Calvary Abbey
Awhum, Nigeria

15 February 2006

Perpetual Adoration

Sr. Gladys Ruth Noreen OSB
Installed as Superior
San Benito Monastery
Dayton, Wyoming

6 January 2006


Abbot Lawrence Stasyszen OSB
St. Gregory's Abbey
1900 West MacArthur Street
Shawnee, Oklahoma 74804-2403

Elections for 2004-05; 2002-03; 2000-01; 1998-99; 1996-97

If you have news of monastic elections or appointments, please send it to the Webmaster.


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