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The Order of Saint BenedictMonastic Elections and Appointments |
Appointments and Results of Elections -
by date of election, re-election, installation, or assumption of office, and monastic congregation"Monastic News Omnibus" of the ABA's American Monastic Newsletter and What's New at the OCSO website also track elections.
8 June 2018
English Benedictine Congregation
Abbot Gregory Mohrman OSB
Saint Louis Abbey
500 South Mason Road
Creve Coeur, MO 631413 April 2018
Solesmes Congregation
Père Abbé Christophe Bettwy OSB
Abbaye Saint-Martin de Ligugé
2 place A. Lambert
F-86240 LIGUGE
France19 March 2018
Camaldolese Congregation
Prior Bede Healey OSB Cam.
Incarnation Monastery
1369 La Loma
Berkeley, CA 9470821 February 2018
Subiaco Cassinese Congregation
Abbot Austin Cadiz OSB
Our Lady of Montserrat Abbey
638 Mendiola St.
San Miguel, Metro Manila
The Philippines20 February 2018
Annunciation Congregation
Abbot Bernhard Maria Alter OSB
Dormition Abbey
P.O.B. 22
Mount Zion
Jerusalem, Israel 910000116 February 2018
Hungarian Congregation
Archabbot Ordinary Cirill Tamas Horgobagyi OSB
Pannonhalmi Fôapátság
H-9090 Pannonhalma, Var 1.
Magyarország (Hungary)10 February 2018
Subiaco-Cassinese Benedictine Congregation
Abbot Martin McLaughlin OSB installed
Prinknash Abbey
Gloucestershire GL4 8EX
England, UK9 February 2018
Abbot John Paul Mwaniki OSB
Sacred Heart Abbey
Vryheid, South Africa5 January 2018
Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation
Abbot Humberto Rincón-Fernández OSB
Monasterio Santa María de la Epifanía
Apartado 126
Colombia, SA2017
29 December 2017
Prior Administrator Raphael Gebauer OSB
[Reelected for five-year term]
St. Georgenberg-Fiecht Abbey
A-6134 Vomp-Fiecht
Austria21 November 2017
Slav Congregation
Archabbot Prokop Siostrzonek OSB
Archabbey of St. Adalbert and St. Margaret
Markétská 1/28
169 00 Praha 6-Břevnov
Czech Republic25 October 2017
Abbot President Johannes Perkmann OSB
Michaelbeuern Abbey
A-5152 Michaelbeuern 1
7 October 2017
Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation
Very Rev. Fr. Austin Cadiz OSB
Prior Administrator
Our Lady of Montserrat Abbey
638 Mendiola Street
Manila, Philippines 100524 September 2017
Sisters of the Good Samaritan OSB
Prioress Patty Fawkner SGS
PO Box 1076
Glebe, NSW
Australia4 September 2017
Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation
Conventual Prior Dominic Hanh Duc Nguyen OSB
Monastery of Thien Tam
13055 SE County Road 4271
Kerens, TX 7514425 August 2017
Prior Administrator Benedikt Schneider OSB
Schweiklberg Abbey
Schweiklberg 1
D-94474 Vilshofen an der Donau
Germany31 July 2017
English Benedictine Congregation
Abbot President Christopher Jamison OSB
Worth Abbey
Paddockhurst Road
Turners Hill
Crawley, West Sussex RH10 4SB
England, UK27 July 2017
American-Cassinese Congregation
Abbot Daniel Maloney OSB
Assumption Abbey
PO Box A
Richardton, ND 586017 June 2017
Abbot Pambo Mkorwe OSB
Benedictine Abbey Mvimwa
PO Box 591
Sumbawanga, Tanzania3 June 2017
Prior Administrator Sylvanus Kessy OSB
Peramiho Abbey
P.O. Peramiho
Songea, Tanzania28 March 2017
Subiaco Cassinese Congregation
Prior Pierre Thoi OSB
Visitor, Vietnamese Province23 March 2017
Subiaco Cassinese Congregation
Abbot Administrator Joel Chauvelot OSB
Monastere de Notre Dame de Belloc
F-64240 Hasparren
France13 March 2017
Subiaco Cassinese Congregation
Abbot Eduardo Africa OSB
Abbey of the Transfiguration
P.O. Box 011
Malaybalay City
Bukidnon 8700
Filipinas28 February 2017
Prior Luc-Ange Randrianasolo OSB
Monastere benedictin Masina Maria
B.P.3079 Antananarivo 101
Madagascar8 February 2017
Ottilien Congregation
Prior Fidelis Walwema OSB
Christ the King Priory
Tororo, Uganda25 January 2017
Austrian Congregation
Abbot Gerhard Hafner OSB
Benediktinerstift Admont
A-8911 Admont 1
Austria27 January 2017
Subiaco Cassinese Congregation
Prior Administrator Humberto Rincon Fernandez OSB
Guatape15 January 2017
Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation
Abbot Emeritus Beda Paluzzi OSB
Prior Administrator
Elections for 2013-2016; 2009-2012; 2006-08; 2004-05; 2002-03; 2000-01; 1998-99; 1996-97
If you have a news item about monastic elections or appointments, please send it to the OSB Webmaster. Thanks.
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