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The Order of Saint Benedict

A Bibliography for Students of
the Rule of Saint Benedict

Benedictus / Saint Benedict

Sr. Aquinata Böckmann, OSB

Davril, A.: Bède et la Saint-Benoît du 21 mars, - Revue bénédictine 115(2005)27-332

Grégoire, Réginald: S.Benedetto da passato latino al futuro europeo, - Inter Fratres 54(2004)211-224

Grygiel, Ludmilla: San Benedetto il primo Europeo, Siena 2004

Jaspert, Bernd: "Per ducatum Evangelii": mit dem hl. Benedikt ins dritte Jahrtausend, St. Ottilien 2000

Kardong, Terrence G., OSB: Day by Day with Saint Benedict, Collegeville 2005

Kardong, Terrence G., OSB: The Life of Saint Benedict by Gregory the Great: Translation and Commentary. Liturgical Press, 2009

Puzicha, Michaela: Benedikt von Nursia begegnen, Augsburg 2004

Reevangelizar la Regla de San Benito para ser más profundamente humanos, cristianos y monjes, - Cistercium 56(2004)813-963 (Aa. Vv.)

Reynolds,Simmon: The Rule of Benedict: A Text to Subvert Postmodern Teology? - Theoloy 105(2002)284-293

Schütz, Christian: Benedict. A Spiritual Profile, - The American Benedictine Review 56(2005)265-285

Schütz, Christian: Gesegneter Alltag: Lebensweisheit aus der Regel Benedikts, St Ottilien 2003

Tamburrino, Giuseppe: Sotto gli occhi di Dio. La figura di san Benedetto nel II Libro dei Dialoghi di san Gregorio Magno,Bresseo di Teolo 2006

Vogüé, Adalbert de; Benito, modelo de vida espiritual según el Libro Segundo de los Diálogos de san Gregorio, - Cuadernos Monásticos 40(2005)191-212

Vogüé, Adalbert de: Is Gregory the Great the Author of the Dialogues? - The American Benedictine Review 56(2005)309-314 


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Rev. 11 May 2016

Copyright 2007-2009 by Sr. Aquinata Böckmann OSB
Pontificio Ateneo S. Anselmo
I-00153 Roma, Italia

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