The Order of Saint Benedict

Lectio Divina
Christian Authors: Fifth to Twelfth Centuries
- Augustine
(354-430). James J. O'Donnell, provost at Georgetown University,
offers this excellent collection of resources on Augustine. 3K text,
161K graphics.
- John Cassian (c.360-c.432)
- Conferences (complete
table of contents, 67K). A much briefer table of contents can be
found on the index page of Cassian's
works. Both are local files.
- De institutis coenobiorum et de octo
principalium vitiorum remediis libri XII.
- Institutes of the
Coenobia, and the Remedies for the Eight Principal Faults. English
translation by Edgar C.S. Gibson. Local file.
- Les
institutions c?obitiques. French translation. Each book in its
own file.
- Sulpitius Severus (363-420)
- Benedict of Nursia (480-547)
- Gregory the Great (c. 540-604)
- Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153)
Illustration: Gregory the Great
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