The Order of Saint Benedict

Abbot Francis Rossiter OSB, JCL, DD

12 September 1995 - 18 September 1996

Meeting as previously scheduled in late September at L'Abbaye de La Pierre-qui-Vire, Saint Léger-Vauban, France, the Council of the Abbot Primate (twenty-two Presidents of Congregations), confirmed Abbot Francis' position as vicar of the Abbot Primate by electing him pro-Primate. Abbot Francis, retired Abbot of Ealing Abbey, London, is the President of the English Congregation, and has served as First Counselor to the Abbot Primate for several years. He was one of the preachers at the funeral for Abbot Primate Jerome Theisen.

[OSB arms] According to the prescriptions of the Law Proper to the Confederation, the next Abbot Primate will be elected at the Congress of Abbots in September 1996. The Congress will meet at Istituto Mondo Migliore (Institute for a Better World), Rocca di Papa (in the Castelli Romani). At the last Congress (15-22 September 1992), besides the Abbots and Priors of the Benedictine Order, "representatives of the Benedictine Nuns and Sisters, three Anglican Abbots (Elmore, Alton and Three Rivers) and an Orthodox Archimandrite from Moscow" were in attendance (Benedictine Yearbook 1993, 27).

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