The Order of Saint Benedict

Alliance for International Monasticism

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The AIM International website:


Alliance for International Monasticism
Benedictine Sisters
345 East Ninth Street
Erie, PA 16503-1107

Phone 814-453-4724; Fax 814-459-8066
E-mail: <aim@aim-usa.org>


International Office:

President of AIM (Director and International Coordinator):
Dom Martin Neyt OSB
Monastère Saint-André de Clerlande
Allée de Clerlande
B-1340 Ottignies

General Secretary:
Dom Jacques Côté OSB (Saint-Benoit, Quebec)
International Secretariat A.I.M.
Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 5
I-10093 Roma

Central Office of A.I.M.
(also serving French-speaking countries)
Secrétariate A.I.M.
7, rue d'Issy
F-92170 Vanves, France

Tel. +1

OSB Index | International Institutions


OSB. Intl. AIM USA / Rev. 8.feb.2000 / © Copyright 1995-2000 by AIM USA / archive.osb.org/intl/aimusa.html