The Medal of Saint Benedictby Fr. Bernardine Patterson OSB |
Bouvilliers, Adelard, OSB, The Medal-Cross of St. Benedict, Belmont, Belmont Abbey Press, 1932.
Gueranger, Dom Prosper, quoted in Bouvilliers, Adelard, OSB, The Medal Cross of St. Benedict.
Breve Spiegazione Della Medaglia o Croce, Monte Cassino, 1901.
Order of Saint Benedict Website. "The Medal of Saint Benedict" <>.
Sauve, Henri, La Vie de S. Benoit, Le Mans, 1880.
Van Speybrouck, Edward. Father Paul of Moll, Clyde, Missouri, 1910.
Veth, Martin, OSB, The Medal or Cross of St. Benedict, Atchison, Abbey Student Press, 1911.