Polychrome wood carving by Cornelius Wittmann OSB (1828-1921). 20.5 inches. Saint John's Abbey and University Church. Photo by William F. Ryan. |
The "Arms" of Saint
Benedict, stained glass in Emmaus Hall, Collegeville, MN, ca. 1952.
Select the image for a larger version. |
"Basilica de Montserrat.
Sant Benet, jove, by Montserrat Gudiol (1980)" |
Holy card: 20th c. "San Benito. Abadia de San
Antonio Abad." |
Saint Benedict, Ausculta, O, fili. Carved wooden statue,
Singeverga, Portugal. |
Orthodox Byzantine Icons |
Saint Benedict Image |
"St. Benedict, Abbot. Icon by Mary Charles McGough OSB, St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, MN." |
"St. Benedict and Saint Scholastica. Icon by Mary Charles McGough
OSB, "For Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel, St. Scholastica Monastery, Duluth, MN, dedicated March 20, 1995." |
Benedict Window |
A stained glass window memorial to Edith Pargeter (Ellis Peters -
creator of Brother Cadfael) Stained glass by Jane Gray, A.R.C.A. (Associate of the Royal College of Art, London), F.M.G.P. (Fellow of the British Society of Master Glass Painters, London). |
Vist the website of Saint Joseph Abbey fpr information about Dom Gregory de Wit OSB, muralist, born in Hilversum, Holland, on June 9, 1892.
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