![[Arms of Citeaux]](graphics/cist2.gif)
A Benedictine Index
The Cistercians
One of the most fruitful reformations of the Order of Saint
Benedict was effected by God's grace in Saint Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153).
The movement Bernard and his followers inspired has survived and thrives in two major
autonomous branches. The links below provide a Benedictine
introduction to Cistercian history and the Order's current vitality.
Web Resources
Biographies, Directories, Websites, etc.
The Cistercians of the Common Observance [O. Cist.]
Cistercians of the Strict Observance [O.C.S.O./Trappists]
+ Europe + North America +
Pacific + South America
- Belgium. Orval.
- Belgium. Chimay.
- Belgium. Scourmont.
- Belgium. "Die Sechs
Säulen der Trappistenbiere (The Six Pillars of Trappist Beer)"
- Czech Republic. Our Lady of Nový Dvur (ex Sept-Fons)
- France. Abbayes
- Germany. Ordensgemeinschaften in Deutschland
- Ireland. Saint Mary's Abbey, Glencairn (women).
- Ireland.
Mount Saint Joseph Abbey, Roscrea (men).
- The Netherlands. Abdij
Koningshoeven (Tilburg), Eindhovenseweg 3, NL-5056 RP Berkel-Enschot
- Norway. Tautra Mariakloster, Taurtra, 7633 Frosta
- Switzerland. Abbaye de la Fille-Dieu, CH-1680
Romont, Suisse
- UK. England.
Mount St. Bernard's Abbey (monks)
- UK. Scotland. Sancta Maria Abbey (monks), Nunraw, Haddington, East Lothian, EH41 4LW
- UK. Wales. Caldey Abbey (monks), Caldey Island, Tenby, Dyfed SA70 7UH
- UK. Wales. Whitland. Holy Cross Abbey (nuns)
North America. Trappists and Trappistine Nuns of the US Region.
- Abbey of The Genesee, 3258 River Road, Piffard, NY 14533
- Abbey of Gethsemani, Trappist, KY 40051
- "The Abbey of Gethsemani," a documentary film by Morgan Atkinson (Duckworks Inc., Louisville, KY)
- Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity, 1250
South 9500 East, Huntsville, UT 84317
- Assumption Abbey
and Bakery (Ava, MO 65608)
- New Clairvaux Abbey, P.O. Box 80,
Vina, CA 96092; 916-839-2161
- New Melleray Abbey, 6500 Melleray
Circle, Peosta, IA 52068-9736
- Our Lady
of Guadalupe Trappist Abbey, Lafayette, OR 97127
- Our Lady of the Angels, Crozet, VA 22932
- Our Lady of the Mississippi Abbey, Dubuque, IA 52003
- Our Lady of the Redwoods Abbey (Trappistine), 18104 Briceland-Thorn Rd., Whitethorn, CA 95589
South America
+ Thomas Merton, 1915-1968 (Fr. Louis OCSO).
Historical Cistercian Abbeys
OSB Index | International Institutions | Geographic Search
Arms of Citeaux, "Araldica Monastica," Dizionario degli
Istituti di Perfezione / diretto da Guerrino Pelliccia e da Giancarlo Rocca, 1.
ed., (Roma: Edizioni Paoline, 1974-).
Arms of the Cistercian Order, colophon vignette, Sigurd Curman, Bidrag till
kannedomen om Cistercienserordens Byggnadskonst, I:Kykroplanen (Stockholm:
Norstedt, 1912) 213.B
Hugh Witzmann OSB, "Saint Benedict" (bronze) (Saint John's Abbey).
Merton photo by John Howard Griffin used on Fr. M. Louis OCSO's death notice.