The American
Benedictine Review

Quarterly (ISSN: 0002-7650)

Index to Volume 67 (March, June, September, and December 2016)

Articles by Title | by Authors | Book Reviews

"Choirs of Angels"? The Visitation of Montpellier's College Saint-Benôit-Saint-Germain in 1369. Thomas Sullivan, O.S.B., 2.125-157.

Death in the Monasteries: Jonas of Bobbio and The Dialogues of Gregory the Great. Adalbert de Vogüé, O.S.B., 2.191-216.

Discernment, Obedience, and Authority: Discernment of Spirits According to John Cassian. William A. Hunter, 1.3-28.

The Eloquence of Communio: Rhetoric in Gregory of Tours' Liber Vitae Patrum. John Bequette, 3.294-308.

"Every Passage of Scripture Which Referred to Him": The Psalms In Christian Prayer. Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B., 2.158-171.

"I Consider Translation Very Rational": A Vernacular Translation of the Benedictine Rule in the Tenth-Century English Monastic Reforms. Julie Smith, 1.58-80.

Lectio, Intentio, and the "Twofold Tropological Sense": Lectio Divina as a Guide to the Cultivation of Practical Wisdom. Thomas Bushlack, 1.29-57.

Mertoniana: Three Book Reviews. Patrick O'Connell, 2.172-190.

Prayer and Work: The Example of Robert of La Chaise-Dieu (D. 1067). Hugh Feiss, O.S.B., 4.403-422.

Priesthood in Ancient Monasticism from 320 to 830. Adalbert de Vogüé, O.S.B., 4.370-402.

The Profound Message of Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah. Patricia Ranft, 4.358-369.

A Relational Human Development Perspective on Benedictine Spirituality. James Tomlinson, 1.81-102. 

Status or Loci?: How the Question of Stability Altered the Course of American Benedictine Monasticism. Paul G. Monson, 3:309-335.

The Taste of Tears: Memory and Emotion in the Confessions. J. Stephen Russell, 3.246-265.

Thomas Merton's Silence in Heaven and The Silent Life: The Evolution of a Contested Text. Patrick O'Connell, 3:266-293.

The Waning Vigor of the Order. Eamon Fitzgerald, O.C.S.O., 3. 236-245.

Witness to the Faith: Charles-Jean Badre, O.S.B., 1916-75. Denis Huerre, O.S.B., 3.336-346.

Youth Culture as a Challenge: Remarks on the Future of Religious Life from Europe. Bernhard A. Eckerstorfer, O.S.B., 4.423-446.


Bequette, John. The Eloquence of Communio: Rhetoric in Gregory of Tours' Liber Vitae Patrum, 3.294-308.

Bushlack, Thomas. Lectio, Intentio, and the "Twofold Tropological Sense": Lectio Divina as a Guide to the Cultivation of Practical Wisdom, 1.29-57.

Driscoll, Jeremy O.S.B. "Every Passage of Scripture Which Referred to Him": The Psalms in Christian Prayer, 2.158-171.

Eckerstorfer, Bernhard A., O.S.B. Youth Culture as a Challenge: Remarks on the Future of Religious Life from Europe, 4.423-446.

Feiss, Hugh O.S.B. Prayer and Work: The Example of Robert of La Chaise-Dieu (D. 1067), 4.403-422.

Fitzgerald, Eamon O.C.S.O. The Waning Vigor of the Order, 3.236-245.

Huerre, Denis O.S.B. Witness to the Faith: Charles-Jean Badre, O.S.B., 1916-75, 3.336-346.

Hunter, William A. Discernment, Obedience, and Authority: Discernment of Spirits According to John Cassian, 1.3-28.

Monson, Paul G. Status or Loci?: How the Question of Stability Altered the Course of American Benedictine Monasticism, 3:309-335.

O'Connell, Patrick. Mertoniana: Three Book Reviews, 2.172-190.

O'Connell, Patrick. Thomas Merton's Silence in Heaven and The Silent Life: The Evolution of a Contested Text, 3:266-293.

Ranft, Patricia. The Profound Message of Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah, 4.358-369.

Russell, J. Stephen. The Taste of Tears: Memory and Emotion in the Confessions, 3.246-265.

Smith, Julie. "I Consider Translation Very Rational": A Vernacular Translation of the Benedictine Rule in the Tenth-Century English Monastic Reforms, 1.58-80.

Sullivan, Thomas O.S.B. "Choirs of Angels"? The Visitation of Montpellier's College Saint-Benoit-Saint-Germain in 1369.  2.125-157.

Tomlinson, James. A Relational Human Development Perspective on Benedictine Spirituality, 1.81-102.

Vogüé, Adalbert de O.S.B. Death in the Monasteries: Jonas of Bobbio and The Dialogues of Gregory the Great, 2.191-216.

Vogüé, Adalbert de O.S.B. Priesthood in Ancient Monasticism from 320 t0 830, 4.370-402.

Book Reviews: 1.103-121; 2.217-235; 3.347-355; 4.447-463.

ABR * OSB Index


The American Benedictine Review (ISSN-0002-7650) is published in March, June, September, and December by the American Benedictine Review, Inc.  Single copies, $7.50; USA subscription, $35; other countries, $45.

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