[+ CSPB]

The Order of Saint Benedict

The American Benedictine Review

ISSN: 0002-7650

50 Year Index


ABR 51:4 (December 2000)

Author Index (A - F; G - L; M - R; S - Z):

G - L

Gable, Mariella, O.S.B., "Ecumenic Core in Flannery O'Connor's Fiction," 15:2 (1964) 127-143

Gable, Mariella, O.S.B., "Five Scholars View the Catholic Renascence," 3:3 (1952) 256-262

Gable, Mariella, O.S.B., "Prose Satire and Modern Christian Temper," 11:1 (1960) 20-34

Gable, Mariella, O.S.B., "The Concept of Fame in Teilhard de Chardin and Dante," 16:3 (1965) 341-358

Gable, Mariella, O.S.B., "Lady with a Puzzle," 5:2 (1954) 152-154

Gade, Daniel W., "Coping with Cosmic Terror: The Earthquake Cult in Cuzco, Peru," 21:2 (1970) 218-223

Gaffney, James, S.J., "An Unpublished Treatise of Augustine Baker on Discernment," 25:2 (1974) 235-245

Gaffney, James, S.J., "Biographical Preliminaries for a Life of Dom Augustine Baker," 19:4 (1968) 515-536

Galgano, Michael J., "Negotiations for a Nun's Dowry: Restoration Letters of Mary Caryll, O.S.B., and Ann Clifton, O.S.B.," 24:3 (1973) 278-298

Galles, Duane, L.C.M., "The Reform of Ecclesiastical Heraldry Revisited," 43:4 (1992) 414-428

Garcia, Sheila, "Stability and Change: What Benedict's Rule Can Teach Us," 40:1 (1989) 71-81

Gardella, Raymond, O.S.B., "The Tenets and Limits of Emerson's All-Conscious Man," 21:3 (1970) 375-388

Garrelts, George, and Wilfred A. Illies, "Religious in the Academic Community of State Colleges and Universities," 16:3 (1965) 369-373

Gassner, Jerome, O.S.B., "Mariazell, the National Shrine of Austria," 8:4 (1957) 313-323

Gassner, Jerome, O.S.B., "The Canonization of Bl. Abbot Berthold," 4:2 (1953) 154-163

Gassner, Jerome, O.S.B., "The Canonization of Pope St. Pius X," 5:1 (1954) 17-26

Gaughan, Norbert F., "Monasticism and the Secular City," 18:1 (1967) 62-69

Gehl, Paul F., "From Monastic Rhetoric to Ars Dictaminis: Traditionalism and Innovation of the Schools of Twelfth-Century Italy," 34:1 (1983) 33-47

George, Richard, "Traditional Wisdom of Charles De Koninck," 16:4 (1965) 586-597

Gerry, Joseph J., O.S.B., "Abbatial Leadership," 43:1 (1992) 29-46

Gibson, Elsie, "A Protestant Response to The English Letters of Abbot Marmion," 14:2 (1963) 345-356

Gilbert, Arthur, "Ecumenism and Catholic Education: A Jewish Perspective," 17:3 (1966) 297-308

Gilbert, Arthur, "The Eichmann Trial: Some Personal Reflections," 13:4 (1962) 512-522

Gilchrist, Jeff, "Sebastian Moore: Theology from Depth Psychology," 42:4 (1991) 436-450

Gillis, James M., "Father Hecker and His Friends," 4:1 (1953) 47-64

Gini, A.R., "B.F. Skinner: The Nature of Man and the Concept of Freedom," 24:1 (1973) 74-88

Gini, A.R., "James's Radical Empiricism: A Radical Metaphysics?" 27:4 (1976) 441-460

Gini, A.R., "William James's Definition of Pure Experience," 23:1 (1972) 138-149

Glassner, Gottfried, O.S.B., "Christian Ethos and Monastic Book Culture: The History of the Melk Abbey Library as a Guidepost to a Lifestyle in Conformity with the Horizon of Christian Values," 45:4 (1994) 368-398

Goldstain, Jacques, O.S.B., "To Taste the Torah: A Study of Jewish Tradition," 37:2 (1986) 197-206

Gollnick, James, "Jungian Reflections on Transformation in St. Anselm's Theology," 36:4 (1985) 353-371

Gonnelly, Theophane, O.S.B., "Blue Cloud Abbey," 5:2 (1954) 146-151

Gordon, Walter M., "Suicide in Thomas More's Dialogue of Comfort," 29:4 (1978) 358-370

Gorsuch, Edwin, "A Cultural Psychology of the Benedictine Rule," 34:2 (1983) 149-165

Gourde, Leo, O.S.B., "The Influence of Jesuit Classical Education on Sidronius Hosschius, S.J., Elegiac Poet," 2:1 (1951) 81-106

Graef, Hilda C., "Edith Stein's Vocation," 3:4 (1952) 348-353

Graef, Hilda C., "The Riddle of Konnersreuth," 5:4 (1954) 326-331

Graham, Aelred, O.S.B., "The Foundations of Christian Democracy," 1:3 (1950) 293-311

Graham, Aelred, O.S.B., "The Reunion of Christendom," 2:4 (1951) 387-392

Graham, Aelred, O.S.B., "Thoughts from Lord Acton," 4:4 (1953) 360-362

Granfield, Patrick, O.S.B., "Bl. Placid Riccardi," 5:4 (1954) 299-306

Greeley, Andrew M., "American Religious Pluralism and Social Organization," 14:1 (1963) 69-78

Gregg, William, "The Presence of the Church in The Cloud of Unknowing," 43:2 (1992) 184-206

Gribomont, Jean, O.S.B., "The Commentaries of Adalbert de Vogüé and the Great Monastic Tradition," 36:3 (1985) 229-262

Griffioen, Arie J., "Brownson's Early Christology," 44:1 (1993) 58-75

Griffiths, Bede, O.S.B.Cam., "The Monastic Order and the Ashram," 30:2 (1979) 134-145

Griffiths, Bede, O.S.B.Cam., "The Significance of India for Camaldolese Monasticism," 40:2 (1989) 138-141

Grosselin, Oliver A., O.S.B., "Dom Germain Morin," 6:4 (1955) 408-418

Groves, Nicholas, "Rule and Life: A Study in the Interpretation and Living of The Rule of St. Benedict and the Buddhist Vinaya Pitaka," 50:1 (1999) 30-63

Guevin, Benedict, O.S.B., "Authenticity: Is This the Meaning of Benedictine Humility? A Response to Antoine Vergote," 47:3 (1996) 225-239

Guevin, Benedict, O.S.B., "Benedict's 'Military' Vocabulary Reconsidered," 49:2 (1998) 138-147

Guevin, Benedict, O.S.B., "Lent: Model of the Benedictine Moral Life," 47:1 (1996) 37-57

Guevin, Benedict, O.S.B., "A New Gregorian Controversy: The Authorship of the Commentary on First Kings in Doubt," 50:5 (1999) 437-443

Gurian, Waldemar, and Leo R. Ward, C.S.C., "Catholic Universities in a Secular Society," 19:1 (1968) 91-102

Gustin, Arno, O.S.B., "The First Amendment, Religion, and Religious Education," 1:2 (1950) 247-269

Gut, Benno, O.S.B., "The Nature of Benedictine Monachism," 10:3 (1959) 158-162

Gutheinz, Luis, S.J., "Obedience Equals Love?" 19:3 (1968) 358-369

Haag, John E., O.S.B., and Linda H. Jackson M.D., "The Acceptance of Chaplains in Mental Hospitals," 32:4 (1981) 328-335

Haag, Modestus, O.S.B., "A Precarious Balance: Flesh and Spirit in Cassian's Works," 19:2 (1968) 180-192

Hachey, Thomas E., "The Influence of Roman Catholics and Their Church in American Politics: A British Analysis in 1943," 25:1 (1974) 123-136

Hackey, Thomas E., "King George V and the Vatican Visit of 1923: Controversy and Contention," 23:4 (1972) 456-468

Hagen, Christopher, O.S.B., "Symbol and Structure of Saint Anselm's New Abbey Church," 17:4 (1966) 499-503

Hahn, Thomas, "The Antecedents of Donne's Holy Sonnet XI," 30:1 (1979) 69-79

Hale, Robert, O.S.B. Cam., "Teilhard de Chardin and the Earthly Dimensions of the Church," 18:4 (1967) 443-455

Hale, Robert, O.S.B. Cam., "The Benedictine Spirit in Anglicanism," 30:3 (1979) 226-248

Hale, Robert, O.S.B. Cam., "Chronicle: Fr. Cyprian Vagaggini, O.S.B., Cam.," 50:2 (1999) 214-215

Hall, Jeremy, O.S.B., "Benedictines and the Mission Vocation," 15:1 (1964) 14-45

Hall, Jeremy, O.S.B., "Benedictines and the Planting of the Church," 14:1 (1963) 90-114

Hall, Suzanne, O.S.B., "On Being One," 12:2 (1961) 227-231

Hallier, Amedee, O.C.S.O., "God is Friendship: The Key to Aelred of Rievaulx's Christian Humanism," 18:3 (1967) 393-420

Hallinan, Paul J., "Benedict Sought God and In Him Saw the Measure of the World," 19:1 (1968) 69-72

Hallinger, Kassius, O.S.B., "Development of the Cult and of Devotion to St. Benedict," 36:2 (1985) 195-214

Halpern, R.A., "The Last Temptation of Gawain: Hony Soyt Qui Mal Pence," 23:3 (1972) 353-384

Hammett, Peter E., O.S.B.,"Care for the Individual in the Rule of Benedict," 39:3 (1988) 277-286

Hammond, John, O.S.B., and Leo Rudloff, O.S.B., "The Weston Story: An Interview," 13:3 (1962) 390-400

Hanbury, Michael, O.S.B., "A Modern Carthusian: Dom Edmund Gurdon," 19:2 (1968) 220-233

Hanbury, Michael, O.S.B., "Abbot Aelred Carlyle: Missionary in Vancouver," 20:3 (1969) 352-367

Hanbury, Michael, O.S.B., "Dom Augustine Baker's Sancta Sophia," 19:1 (1968) 32-42

Hanbury, Michael, O.S.B., "Golden Jubilee of the Caldey Conversions," 14:1 (1963) 20-44

Hansen, Regina, O.S.B., "The Conditions for Poetry: Thoreau's Challenge to Transcendence," 28:2 (1977) 180-187

Hanus, Jerome G., O.S.B., "Natural Law--Indispensable or Not?" 23:1 (1972) 85-97

Hardy, Gilbert G., O.Cist., "Fallenness and Recovery in the Monastic Rule of Benedict of Nursia and Dogen Zenji: Parallels or Contradictions?" 38:4 (1987) 420-442

Harp, Richard L., "Where are the Great Sinners?" 33:3 (1982) 292-301

Hart, Columba, O.S.B., "Celebration: Its Meaning in the Latin Church," 18:1 (1967) 13-43

Hart, Columba, O.S.B., "Consecratio Virginum: Thirteenth-Century Witnesses," 23:2 (1972) 258-274

Hart, Columba, O.S.B., "Hadewijch of Brabant," 13:1 (1962) 1-24

Hart, Columba, O.S.B., "The Religious Bent of William Henry Fry, 1813-1864," 27:4 (1976) 400-426

Harty, Kevin J., "'And sheepe will I keepe no more': Birth and Rebirth in the Chester Adoration of the Shepherds," 29:4 (1978) 348-357

Harty, Kevin J., "The Tale and Its Teller: The Case of Chaucer's Man of Law," 34:4 (1983) 361-371

Haskin, Dayton, S.J., "Food, Clothing and Kingship in Havelok the Dane," 24:2 (1973) 204-213

Hatzfeld, Helmut, "Two Types of Mystical Poetry," 1:4 (1950) 421-463

Hausherr, Irénée, S.J., "The Monastic Theology of Saint John Climacus," 38:4 (1987) 381-407

Hayes, Giles P., O.S.B., "Documents: Early Bayley--Wimmer Correspondence," 14:3 (1963) 470-493

Heagle, John L., "Conflict Resolution and the Future of Man: The Perspective of Teilhard de Chardin," 24:1 (1973) 46-58

Healey, Sylvester, O.S.B., "Benedictines in the Missions," 1:1 (1950) 123-134

Heck, Theodore, O.S.B., "Papal Documents in Seminary Studies," 3:1 (1952) 27-50

Heffern, Colman, O.C.S.O., "Clement Smyth 1810-1865: A Founder of New Melleray and Civil War Bishop," 21:3 (1970) 351-374

Heider, Raphael, O.S.B., "Psychologists and Educationists Plan Extension of Influence," 3:3 (1952) 207-209

Hein, Kenneth, O.S.B., "St. Benedict and the Second Coming of Christ," 36:3 (1985) 318-324

Heininger, Joseph, "Prussia's foreign Policy, May 1859," 22:1 (1971) 89-108

Hellriegel, Martin B., "The Office of Abbot," 8:4 (1957) 355-356

Hemmen, Alcuin, O.S.B., "Gertrud von Le Fort and a New Personalism," 4:4 (1953) 346-359

Hemmen, Alcuin, O.S.B., "The Post-Vatican II Thrust of American Benedictines," 27:4 (1976) 379-399

Henry, Edward L., "Benedictine Education--Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow," 15:2 (1964) 168-183

Hermann, John P., "Some Varieties of Psychomachia in Old English II--The Middle Ages," 34:2 (1983) 188-222

Hermann, John P., "Some Varieties of Psychomachia in Old English-I," 34:1 (1983) 74-86

Herndl, George, "Everybody Knows What Grammar Is And What It's For," 27:3 (1976) 285-296

Herzman, Ronald B., "The Reeve's Tale," Symkyn and the Magician," 33:3 (1982) 325-334

Hickey, Philip, "The Theology of Community in the Rule of St. Benedict," 20:4 (1969) 431-471

Higgens, John, O.S.B., "Dom Gueranger and the Founding of Solesmes," 6:1 (1955) 53-75

Higgins, Michael W., "A Study of the Influence of William Blake on Thomas Merton," 25:3 (1974) 377-188

Higgins, Michael W., "Monasticism as Rebellion: Blakean Roots of Merton's Thought," 39:2 (1988) 177-188

Higgins, Thomas J., S.J., "What of Judicial Review?" 24:2 (1973) 214-237

Hilger, Inez, O.S.B., "Cultural Changes in Japan," 15:4 (1964) 515-529

Hilger, Inez, O.S.B., and Margaret Mondloch, "Emilia: An Aracaunian of the Andes," 11:1 (1960) 83-98

Hilgers, Thomas, and Michael Molloy, "'Your Holiness, What's Your Favorite Color?': Talking with the Dalai Lama," 32:3 (1981) 189-199

Hill, Bennett D., "The Beginnings of the First French Foundations of the Norman Abbey of Savigny," 31:1 (1980) 130-152

Hillenbrand, Reynold, "Marmion and the Liturgical Renewal," 14:1 (1963) 1-7

Hilpisch, Stephen, O.S.B., "The Benedictine Ideal Through the Centuries," 15:3 (1964) 381-394

Hindery, Roderick, O.S.B., "Community Life, Work, Federation," 18:2 (1967) 213-219

Hinton, Norman D., "Whitby: After Thirteen Hundred Years," 15:4 (1964) 466-473

Hites, Christopher, O.S.B., and Egon Javor, O.S.B., "Hungarian Benedictines in California," 12:3 (1961) 310-322

Hoehn, Matthew, O.S.B., "Monte Cassino-1950," 1:3 (1950) 312-314

Hogg, Leander, O.S.B., "The Degrees of Love in the Writings of the Monk of Farn," 33:2 (1982) 195-203

Hogg, Leander, O.S.B., "The Monastic Accounts of the Shrine of Our Lady of Monserrate in Lima, Peru: 1635-1645," 29:3 (1978) 247-259

Hogg, Leonard, O.S.B., "Philip II of Spain and the Benedictines in the New World," 35:4 (1984) 364-377

Holder, Arthur, "Allegory and History in Bede's Interpretation of Sacred Architecture," 40:2 (1989) 115-131

Holder, Arthur, "The Venerable Bede on the Mysteries of Our Salvation," 42:2 (1991) 140-162

Holloway, Julia Bolton, "Medieval Liturgical Drama, The Commedia, Piers Plowman and The Canterbury Tales," 32:2 (1981) 114-121

Honner, Paschal D., O.S.B., "Documents: Letters of St. Anselm to the Community of Bec," 14:1 (1963) 138-163

Honner, Paschal D., O.S.B., "Documents: Letters of St. Anselm to the Community of Bec, II," 14:2 (1963) 319-340

Horner, Patrick J., "John Paunteley's Sermon at the Funeral of Walter Froucester, Abbot of Gloucester 1412," 28:2 (1977) 147-166

Hottenroth, Mary, S.B.S., "The Eucharist as Matrix in the System of Thought of Teilhard de Chardin," 21:1 (1970) 98-121

Houghton, John W., "St. Bede among the Controversialists," 50:4 (1999) 397-422

Houghton, John William, "The Old English Benedictine Office and Its Audience," 45:4 (1994) 431-445

Houtman, M. Immaculata, O.S.B., "The Rule: Pattern for Social Justice and Charity," 14:2 (1963) 198-220

Howe, Elizabeth Teresa, "The Mystical Kiss and the Canticle of Canticles: Three Interpretations," 33:3 (1982) 302-311

Hozeski, Bruce W., "Hildegard of Bingen's Ordo Virtutum: The Earliest Discovered Liturgical Morality Play," 26:3 (1975) 251-259

Huerre, Denis, O.S.B., "Beauty and Conversio," 39:3 (1988) 304-320

Huerre, Denis, O.S.B., "Monastic Hospitality and the Conversion of the Monk," 44:3 (1993) 249-257

Huff, Peter, "Divine Art: George Herbert's Poetic Reflections on the Priesthood," 46:1 (1995) 45-52

Hughes, Ivan W., O.S.B., "The Psychological Dynamics of Interracial Conflict," 24:3 (1973) 261-277

Hughes, Kevin L., "Visionary Exegesis: Vision, Text, and Interpretation in Hildegard's Scivias," 50:3 (1999) 311-326

Hume, Basil, O.S.B., "Monastic Ideal in Earthenware Vessels," 32:1 (1981) 3-13

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Recent Biblical Study, 1960-61," 12:3 (1961) 328-360

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Recent Biblical Study, 1961-63," 14:4 (1963) 590-621

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Trends in Biblical Study," 11:3 (1960) 280-301

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Recent Biblical Studies: Part II," 20:2 (1969) 171-197

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Recent Biblical Study," 17:4 (1966) 533-580

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Recent Biblical Study, 1963-1965," 16:1 (1965) 120-170

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Recent Biblical Study: Part I," 20:1 (1969) 28-64

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "Rome and the Literal Sense of Sacred Scripture," 9:1 (1958) 79-103

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "The Holy Land Today," 6:3 (1955) 292-315

Hunt, Ignatius, O.S.B., "The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls," 7:1 (1956) 31-53

Hyde, Douglas, "Christianity and Communism," 7:3 (1956) 216-219

Hyland, Willam Patrick, "John-Jerome of Prague: Portrait of a Fifteenth-Century Camaldolese," 46:3 (1995) 308-334

Hyland, William Patrick, "John-Jerome of Prague and Monastic Reform in the Fifteenth Century," 47:1 (1996) 58-98

Hyland, William Patrick, "Missionary Nuns and the Monastic Vocation in Anglo-Saxon England," 47:2 (1996) 141-174

Idzerda, Stanley J., "The Constitution of the United States and the Rule of St. Benedict: Do Liberty and Fraternity Have a Future?" 28:2 (1977) 133-146

Illies, Wilfred A., and George Garrelts, "Religious in the Academic Community of State Colleges and Universities," 16:3 (1965) 369-373

Imperato, Robert, "Thomas Merton on Human Fallenness," 40:4 (1989) 408-415

Irwin, John T., and T.D. Kelly, "The Way and the End are One: Patience as a Parable of the Contemplative Life," 25:1 (1974) 33-55

Irwin, Kevin W., "On Monastic Priesthood," 41:3 (1990) 225-262

Jackson, Linda H. M.D., Haag John E. .O.S.B., "The Acceptance of Chaplains in Mental Hospitals," 32:4 (1981) 328-335

Jacob, Isaac, O.S.B., "The Rule of Benedict: Bridge to Israel," 45:4 (1994) 399-406

Jaki, Stanislaus L., O.S.B., "The Ecclesiology of Abbot Vonier," 10:3 (1959) 163-175

Janecko, Benedict, O.S.B., "Myth, History, God and Jesus," 23:2 (1972) 174-180

Jarrott, Catherine, "The Vocation of St. Thomas More," 12:3 (1961) 298-309

Jasmer, Paul, O.S.B., "A Comparison of Monastic and Cathedral Vespers up to the Time of St. Benedict," 34:4 (1983) 337-360

Jaspert, Bernd, "Germania Benedictina: A New Handbook," 20:4 (1969) 582-584

Jaspert, Bernd, "Regula S. Benedicti" International Bibliography: A Work-Report," 20:1 (1969) 157-160

Jaspert, Bernd, "Existential Interpretation of the Rule of Benedict," 37:2 (1986) 16-172

Javor, Egon, O.S.B., and Christopher Hites, O.S.B., "Hungarian Benedictines in California," 12:3 (1961) 310-322

Jeffko, Walter G., "Community, Society and the State," 28:1 (1977) 77-94

Jeffko, Walter G., "Processive Relationism and Ethical Absolutes," 26:3 (1975) 260-282

Jeffko, Walter G., "Self-Consciousness and the Soul-Body Problem," 31:3 (1980) 346-360

Jeffko, Walter G., "The Death Penalty: A Personalist Approach," 38:4 (1987) 360-380

Jeffko, Walter G., "The Morality of Amnesty," 24:1 (1973) 100-104

Jeffko, Walter, G., "Are Person and Agent Co-extensive? Reflections on John Macmurray," 44:4 (1993) 352-370

Jeffrey, David Lyle, "Pastoral Care in the Wakefield Shepherd Plays," 22:2 (1971) 208-221

Jeffrey, David Lyle, "Stewardsip in the Wakefield "Mactacio Abel and Noe Plays," 22:1 (1971) 64-76

Jegen, M. Evelyn, S.S.N.D., "Charity in the Ascetical Teaching of a Ninth-Century Bishop," 19:4 (1968) 536-545

Jenkins, Louisa, "The Way of the Cross," 12:1 (1961) 31-39

Jennings, Margaret, C.S.J., and Eugene J. Crook, "Grading Sin: A Medieval English Benedictine in the Cura Animarum, 31:3 (1980) 335-345

John, James J., "A Palaeographer Among Benedictines: A Tribute to E.A. Lowe," 21:2 (1970) 139-147

John XXIII, Pope, "Allocution to the Congress of Abbots," 10:3 (1959) 155-157

Johnson, Luke Timothy, O.S.B., "Norms for True and False Prophecy in First Corinthians," 22:1 (1971) 29-45

Johnson, Lynn Staley, "An Examination of the Middle English Patience" 32:4 (1981) 336-364

Johnson, Lynn Staley, "St. John the Baptist and Medieval English Idealogy," 27:1 (1976) 105-125

Johnson, Lynn Staley, "The Motif of Noli Me Tangere and its Relation to Pearl," 30:1 (1979) 93-106

Jones, Marshall E., "Some Limits of Change," 17:1 (1966) 1-9

Jordan, Max, "The Perfect Society," 1:1 (1950) 110-118

Jordan, Philip D., "The Unknown John Mullaly," 10:1 (1959) 41-44

Jordan, William Chester, "Cloth of Many Colors, the Franciscans and the Benedictine Abbey of Saint-Denis: A Problem in Joinville's Histoire de Saint Louis," 31:4 (1980) 443-446

Joyce, Robert E., "Toward the Resolution of Polarities in Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf," 17:3 (1966) 336-341

Joyce, Robert J., "Key Relationships between Classical Philosophy and Modern Science," 18:4 (1967) 542-569

Joyce, Thomas, C.M.F., "American Nuncio: Americans in the Service of Rome," 20:4 (1969) 472-480

Junk, Ivan, and A.W.R. Sipe, O.S.B., "The Introduction of Psychiatry into a Religious Setting," 20:2 (1969) 259-271

Jurden, Delbert A., "A Historiography of American Deism," 25:1 (1974) 108-122

Kapsner, Oliver, O.S.B., "The Benedictines in Brasil," 28:2 (1977) 113-132

Kapsner, Oliver, O.S.B., and Marie Nordsieck, "Mortality Experience of the American Cassinese Congregation, 1952-56," 10:3 (1959) 187-194

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "La Tradicion Benedictina I-II: A Feature Review," 49:3 (1998) 287-298

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "A New Look at Gregory's Dialogues," 36:1 (1985) 44-63

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "Benedict's Puzzling Theme of Perfection," 47:1 (1996) 3-13

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "Clarifications of Benedict's Chapter on Humility: A Reply to Francis Seeburger's Article 'Humility, Maturity and the Fear of God,' 50:1 (1999) 12-29

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "John Cassian's Evaluation of Monastic Practices," 43:1 (1992) 82-105

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "John Cassian's Teaching on Perfect Chastity," 30:3 (1979) 249-263

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "Lack of Ministry: A Problem as Old as the Rule of St. Benedict," 35:1 (1984) 97-110

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "Monastic Issues in Possidius' Life of Augustine," 38:2 (1987) 159-177

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "Perfection in the Rule of the Master," 48:1 (1997) 88-107

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "Symbol and Ritual in the Rule of Benedict: An Exploration," 46:1 (1995) 102-118

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B., "The Abbot as Leader," 42:1 (1991) 53-72

Kardong, Terrence, O.S.B.., "The Achievement of André Borias, Exegete of Benedict's Rule," 44:2 (1993) 179-220

Kashuba, Irma Mercedes, S.S.J., "The Fullness of Creation as Envisioned by Berdiaev," 32:3 (1981) 270-279

Kass, Thomas G., C.S.V., "Incarnational Tension in Robert Browning's Karshish," 44:3 (1993) 236-248

Kay, Richard, "The Maurist Congregation of French Benedictines," 34:3 (1983) 309-316

Kearney, John K., "Marx's Atheism," 29:4 (1978) 398-406

Keegan, Frank L., "The University and Public Affairs," 15:3 (1964) 287-302

Keeler, Jerome, O.S.B., "The Meaning of Liberal Arts," 7:3 (1956) 220-229

Keeler, Jerome, O.S.B., "Joris-Karl Huysmans, Benedictine Oblate," 1:1 (1950) 60-66

Keeler, Jerome, O.S.B., "Public Relations in Catholic Colleges," 3:4 (1952) 340-347

Keller, Joseph, "The Token and the Real: Faith and Cognitive Paradox," 38:3 (1987) 306-319

Kelly, Ellin M., "The 'Days of Creation' in Medieval English Mystery Cycles: Hints for Staging from Bible Manuscript Illuminations," 30:3 (1979) 264-280

Kelly, Joseph F., "The Decline of Irish Monasticism in the Face of Benedictinism in the Early Middle Ages," 31:1 (1980) 70-87

Kelly, Robert L., "Arthur, Galahad and the Scriptural Pattern in Malory," 23:1 (1972) 9-23

Kelly, T.D., and John T. Irwin, "The Way and End are One:Patience as a Parable of the Contemplative Life," 25:1 (1974) 33-55

Kenny, Mary Elizabeth, "The Correspondant: Catholic Liberalism in the Cultural Press in Nineteenth-century France," 38:3 (1987) 243-260

Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, "A Return to 'The First Dawn of Justice': Hildegard's Visions of Clerical Reform and the Eremitical Life," 40:4 (1989) 383-407

Kerlin, Michael J., "Blondel and von Hügel: The Debate about History and Dogma," 28:2 (1977) 210-225

Kerlin, Michael J., "Philosophy as Madness, Philosophy as Discipline," 24:1 (1973) 89-99

Kessler, Anne, O.S.B., "French Benedictines under Stress," 17:3 (1966) 314-335

Kessler, Anne, O.S.B., "Political Legacy to the Religious in France: The Laic Laws of the Third Republic," 20:4 (1969) 559-571

Ketrick, Paul J., "Geography in the Air Age," 6:3 (1955) 285-291

Ketrick, Paul J., "How Sesquipedalian Can You Be?" 3:1 (1952) 18-22

Ketrick, Paul J., "The Fabulous Mr. Spooner," 3:3 (1952) 240-239

Kilian, Sabbas J., O.F.M., "Fundamental Option: An Essential Datum of the Human Person," 21:2 (1970) 192-202

Kilian, Sabbas J., O.F.M., "The Holy Spirit in Christ and in Christians," 20:1 (1969) 99-121

Kilzer, Ernest, O.S.B., "Existentialism and Theology," 12:3 (1961) 290-297

Kilzer, Ernest, O.S.B., "Philosophy: Some Current Books," 11:3 (1960) 271-279

Kilzer, Ernest, O.S.B., "Some Recent Developments in Greek Philosophy," 13:3 (1962) 314-323

Kilzer, Ernest, O.S.B., "The Faith of Plato," 8:4 (1957) 350-254

Kilzer, Ernest, O.S.B., "The Social Theory of St. Thomas Aquinas," 2:4 (1951) 357-370

Kilzer, Ernest, O.S.B., "The Social Thought of St. Augustine," 3:4 (1952) 293-305

Kilzer, Martha Clare, O.S.B., "The Place of Saint Benedict in the Western Philosophical Tradition," 25:2 (1974) 174-199

Kilzer, Martha Clare, O.S.B., "The Rule of St. Benedict and the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel," 23:1 (1972) 113-137

Kim, Chrysostom, O.S.B., "'A Do-It-Yourself Religion' and the Grimly Comic in Flannery O'Connor," 31:3 (1980) 263-289

Kim, Chrysostom, O.S.B., "Ivan's Devil in The Brothers Karamazov," 16:2 (1965) 291-309

Kim, Chrysostom, O.S.B., "Lionel Trilling on 'The Self in Its Standing Quarrel with Culture'," 27:3 (1976) 332-356

Kim, Chrysostom, O.S.B., "Sir Isaiah Berlin of Oxford on Some Anglomaniac Zionists He Has Known," 34:3 (1983) 223-239

Kim, Chrysostom, O.S.B., "The Diggers, the Ranters and the Early Quakers," 25:4 (1974) 460-475

Kinish, David R., O.S.B., "The Consecration of Virgins," 4:2 (1953) 115-134

Kissel, Susan, S., "J.F. Powers and the Secular Metaphor," 30:3 (1979) 322-331

Kleber, Albert, O.S.B., "Encyclopedia and Methodology of Theology," 2:1 (1952) 48-60

Kleber, Albert, O.S.B., "The Hymns at Weekly Vespers and the 'Week' of Creation," 6:2 (1955) 171-187

Klein, Laurentius, O.S.B., "The Role of a Benedictine Monastery in the Ecumenical Movement," 13:3 (1962) 346-354

Klein, Laurentius, O.S.B., and Frederic Davis, O.S.A., "New Horizons on the Continent," 15:1 (1964) 92-97

Klimisch, Jane, O.S.B., "The Prayer of Lament: A Voice for Our Time," 37:4 (1986) 323-335

Klosek, Ignatius S., O.S.B., "Contemporary Technological Revolution," 12:2 (1961) 147-163

Kodell, Jerome, O.S.B., "Eucharistic Renewal and the Community Concelebrated Mass," 20:2 (1969) 232-240

Kodell, Jerome, O.S.B., "Vatican II and 'Outside the Church No Salvation'," 23:3 (1972) 314-324

Kohake, Cletus, O.S.B., "Dynamic Dimensions of Dialogue for Student Growth and Development," 19:1 (1968) 116-130

Kohake, Cletus, O.S.B., "Freedom and Responsibility in Catholic Education," 17:2 (1966) 154-165

Kollar, Rene, O.S.B., "'A Monk in Court': An Example of Religious Intolerance in Late Nineteenth-Century England," 47:4 (1996) 358-384

Kollar, Rene, O.S.B., "The Influence of the Anglican Benedictines on Ronald Knox: 1909-1912," 34:3 (1983) 317-330

Korte, Alexander, O.S.B., "The University of Salzburg," 9:3 (1958) 209-226

Kovach, Francis J., "The Status of the Question of God's Existence in Contemporary Theology and Philosophy," 21:2 (1970) 148-168

Koyama, Shin, and Anne Burns, O.S.B., "A Convent is Born," 12:3 (1961) 361-368

Kraft, Katherine, O.S.B., "Why Monastic Life in the Late Twentieth Century? Testimonies of Perception," 46:3 (1995) 335-350

Krahmer, Shawn Madison, "Loving 'In God': An Examination of the Hierarchical Aspects of the Ordo Caritatis in Bernard of Clairvaux and Aelred of Rievaulx," 50:1 (1999) 74-93

Krahmer, Shawn Madison, "The Bride as Friend in Bernard of Clairvaux's Sermones Super Cantica" 48:1 (1997) 69-87

Kramer, Dewey Weiss, "A Neglected Source of Medieval Literature: The Rule of St. Benedict and the "Memento Mori"," 43:2 (1992) 109-130

Kramer, Victor A., "The Autobiographical Impulse of Merton's Early Prose," 34:1 (1983) 1-21

Kranz, Marie, O.S.B., and Benedict Donahue, O.S.B., "The Story and Art of Sant Elia," 20:3 (1969) 368-377

Kreinheder, Arthur C.S.C., "Interview," 14:4 (1963) 545-561

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, "The Contribution of Religious Orders to Renaissance Thought and Learning," 21:1 (1970) 1-55

Kristensen, Ansgar, O.S.B., "Cassian's Use of Scripture," 28:3 (1977) 276-288

Kritzeck, James, "Jacques Maritain: A Eulogy," 24:4 (1973) 385-392

Kritzeck, James, "Peter the Venerable and Islam," 7:2 (1956) 144-149

Kucera, Daniel, O.S.B., "Poverty in the Religious Community," 18:1 (1967) 70-73

Kucera, Daniel, O.S.B., "The Challenge of Renewal," 18:4 (1967) 482-491

Kucera, Daniel, O.S.B., "The Concept of Monastic Service: Its Implications for Modern Society," 17:3 (1966) 309-313

Kucera, Daniel, O.S.B., "The Meaning of Monastic Renewal," 17:2 (1966) 125-132

La Blanc, Rosella, O.S.B., "The Development of Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation," 21:3 (1970) 407-420

Lachner, Bede, O.Cist., "Bernard of Clairvaux on Abbots," 33:4 (1982) 427-441

Lackner, Bede, O.Cist., "Saint Bernard: On Bishops and Rome," 40:4 (1989) 380-382

Lambert, Pierre, and Robert P. O'Hara, "Humanistic Education: An Existential Evaluation," 17:1 (1966) 10-19

Lane, Ronald, "Gerard Manley Hopkins: Poet of Two Worlds," 29:3 (1978) 260-274

Lane, Ronald, "The Catechetical Scene and Catholic Publishers," 15:2 (1964) 184-197

Lapomarda, Vincent A., S.J., "A Catholic in Puritan Society," 41:2 (1990) 192-208

Lapomarda, Vincent, S.J., "Maurice Joseph Tobin and the American Jewish Community: The Preservation of the State of Israel, 1948-1953," 32:4 (1981) 387-398

Lapomarda, Vincent, S.J., "Maurice Joseph Tobin and the Boston Jewish Community: The Movement for the State of Israel, 1926-1948," 24:1 (1973) 59-73

Larmann, Marian, O.S.B., "Contristare and Tristia in the RB: Indications of Community and Morale," 30:2 (1979) 159-174

Larmann, Marian, O.S.B., "The Meaning of Omnes Pariter in RB 49.3," 29:2 (1978) 153-165

Larson, Raymond, "The Aims of Liberal Education," 24:1 (1973) 29-45

Latteur, Emmanuel, O.S.B., "The Twelve Degrees of Humility in St. Benedict's Rule: Still Timely?" 40:1 (1989) 32-51

Laurence, Mary, O.P., "Sisters and Renewal in England," 20:2 (1969) 241-249

Lawrence, Emeric, O.S.B., "Le Grand Voyage," 13:2 (1962) 226-252

Lawrence, Emeric, O.S.B., "Louis J.A. Mercier: A Memoir," 29:3 (1978) 275-283

Lawyer, John E. Jr., "Tocqueville on the Religious Foundations of Democracy," 42:4 (1991) 418-435

Lawyer, John E. Jr., "Wisdom's Way: East and West," 45:1 (1994) 74-92

Leavy, Matthew K., O.S.B., "The Meaning of Monastic Stewardship," 45:3 (1994) 229-248

Leclercq, Jean, O.S.B., "Monasticism in a World in Transformation," 22:2 (1971) 187-207

Leclercq, Jean, O.S.B., "Problems Facing Monasticism Today," 16:1 (1965) 47-55

Leclercq, Jean, O.S.B., "Religious Obedience according to the Rule of St. Benedict," 16:1 (1965) 183-193

Leclercq, Jean, O.S.B., "The Definitive Character of Religious Commitment," 23:2 (1972) 181-205

Leclercq, Jean, O.S.B., "The Monastic Tradition of Culture and Studies," 11:1 (1960) 99-131

Leinenweber, John, O.S.B., "Covenants: A Feature Review," 37:4 (1986) 336-348

Leisy, Christian, O.S.B., "Chronicle: Bose Community," 50:1 (1999) 94-105

Leja, Alfred E., "Christian Elements in Heine's 'Du Bist Wie Eine Blume'," 24:1 (1973) 124-126

Lekai, Louis J., O.Cist., "Cardinal La Rochefoucauld and the Cistercian Reform," 6:4 (1955) 427-449

Leloir, Louis, O.S.B., "The Message of the Desert Fathers: Then and Now," 40:3 (1989) 221-249

Lensing, Michael, O.S.B., "Ecumenical Hospitality in an Arkansas Abbey," 13:3 (1962) 354-358

Lentfoehr, Therese, "Thomas Merton: The Dimensions of Solitude," 23:3 (1972) 337-352

Letson, D.R., "The Form of the Old English Homily," 30:4 (1979) 399-431

Levine, Etan, "Ancient Jewish Education: A Composite Picture," 21:2 (1970) 240-253

Levine, Etan, "On the Symbolisn of the Pedilavium," 33:1 (1982) 21-29

Levine, Etan, "The Chapter Concerning Peace," 22:4 (1971) 428-436

Lienhard, Joseph T., S.J., "Sanius Consilium: Recent Work on the Election of the Abbot in the Rule of St. Benedict," 26:1 (1975) 1-15

Lienhard, Joseph T., S.J., "The Study of the Sources of the Regula Benedicti: History and Method," 31:1 (1980) 20-38

Lind, Christopher, O.S.B., "Pope Pius XII on Medical Experimentation," 6:1 (1955) 83-90

Linnemann, Roger E., "The Way to Berlin," 14:4 (1963) 562-571

Longo, Paul J., "Escriva's Opus Dei: From Secular Association to Personal Prelature," 40:2 (1989) 190-203

Lortie, Jeanne Marie, O.S.B., "Mother Scholastica Kerst-I," 34:2 (1983) 130-148

Lortie, Jeanne Marie, O.S.B., "Mother Scholastica Kerst-II," 34:3 (1983) 268-290

Luckman, Harriet, "The Pneumatology of Odo Casel's Mysterientheologie," 49:3 (1998) 316-337

Luecke, Janemarie, O.S.B., "Three Faces of Cecilia: Chaucer's Second Nuns' Tale," 33:4 (1982) 335-348

Luislampe, Pia, O.S.B., "Living in the Presence of God: Comments on a Discipline of Benedictine Life," 40:4 (1989) 416-442

Luke, Miss, "The Ecumenical 'Foyer Unitas' of the Ladies of Bethany," 15:3 (1964) 352-359

Lunn, Arnold, "First of the True Mountaineers," 14:3 (1963) 435-447

Lynch, Joseph H., "Baptismal Sponsorship and Monks and Nuns, 500-1000," 31:1 (1980) 108-129

Lynch, Joseph H., "Monastic Recruitment in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries: Some Social and Economic Considerations," 26:4 (1975) 425-447

Lyons, Patrick, O.S.B., "Monks and Ecumenism," 48:2 (1997) 129-160

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